Rexs from Kam Kok Chian on Vimeo.
C2 animation
tips and tricks for animation
Creature Fight
Creature Fight from Kam Kok Chian on Vimeo.
It been a long time since I'd updated my blog and my personal work, here is my latest animation test! Enjoy! Hope I am free to post some WIP in the future :)2014年3月21日星期五
Bill the hair stylist
Bill the hair stylist progression shot from Kam Kok Chian on Vimeo.
Hey folk! is been awhile I updated this blog recently listen Feb 11 second club sound, it pretty fun, so I decided to give it a try! here is some progression when I worked on this work

here is some drawing that one of my animator fren ( Levinh ) at The Monk Studio help on me, he is really talented animator, I've learn a lot from him, my animation cant push this far witout his help on me, his idea is want me to push the pose more, make the acting more simple and easy, and my weakest point is about timing and spacing :( still learning on my way!!
here is some of my workflow when I work on this shot firstly I will take many times of video ref to try get into character, dont be shy, just keep your cam recorder on, and act whatever you feel like the character will be, eventually your acting will get into character, so I choice the clip that I think is suitable for this dialog, and I ready to animate!!
in blocking, I just mainly block story telling pose, don't care about inbetween, slow in out, just make the idea work first! after confirm all my story telling poses, I will use tween machine to help me get the inbetween, I like to use stepped mode, I got some friend like to use splined, it easy and quicked, but I like to block every frames by my hand without computer help me for " free inbetween " , to make sure I keep on track which is the leading part and what drag behind, and track every arc as possible, I will start adjust graph editor in this phrase, yeah, still in stepped mode, this is what I learn from Levinh at The Monk! I like this method a lot!!because when I turn into splined, I know I wont get into big surprised/trouble!
after that I turn to spline, but usually I will convent into auto tangent, and I start to clean up my graph to make the action more flow, because I put many effort in blocking stage, so I just need to polish the curve to make it more appealing
that's all how I work on this shot! hope you find out it is useful!! have a nice day!!
11 second club April 2013
11 second club April from Kam Kok Chian on Vimeo.
Resposible in : Animation, Modelling, Texture, Render and CompositingRig : iAnimate
my 11 second April entry
Really glad can get 4th place out of 267 entries :)
My video ref :))) don't be shy acting in-front at camera, it really helpful!!
My blocking plus with more breakdown
My blocking plus with more breakdown
Happy Valentine day
Using sketch book pro from IPAD 2
just a rough sketch for my dear
happy valentine day to all of you :)))
2010 Top Animation Blog Award
Just found a great link
2010 Top Animation Blog Award
a lot of great blog here :))
2010 Top Animation Blog Award
a lot of great blog here :))
Carlos and Shawn seminar
Hey guys
I just attended Carlos and Shawn seminar last month
it was a great experience for me
if anyone don't no who is Carlos and Shawn
here is a short introduction
Carlos Baena
Founder of Animation Mentor and PIXAR animator
Shawn Kelly
Founder of Animation Mentor and ILM lead animator
if you guys want know more can try google them :)
their talk is really inspired me
I learn a lot of things in 3 days, from basic foundation to advanced acting
both of them was really funny, I just can't believe I can meet them face by face :)))))
here some notes I drop down from the seminar that I found really useful for me
Animation Workflow
Pass one
- Timing/ clarity
- Main pose and breakdowns
- Pantomime /body language
- Rough eyes animation
- Emotional beats
Pass two
- Jaw animation
- Finish any remaining breakdown
- Offset action from one another
- Successive breaking joint
- Suggest overlap
- Rough key facial expressions ( main basic )
Pass three
- In-between poses
- Finger and toe animation
- Refine prop animation ( interactive with finger )
- Adjust and refine arcs
- Finished overlapping action
- Begin refining eye animation ( blink and eyes dart )
Pass four
- Facial animation
- Lip-sync
- Muscle animation
- Hair or cloth animation
the greatest thing for me is I get my demo reel review by both of them!!
from current PIXAR and ILM animator!!! really thanks to them and The One Academy
here is some picture from Seminar
Guess what ?
I found Wall E during my KL trip :))
really cute with remote control
Happy 2012
It's been a time I updated my blog
just really busy for my animation work!!!
2011 almost end, I'd make my big change in this year
from lead rendering switch my path to animator
is a tough decision, but I'll not regret what I'd been doing right now :)))
learn a lot of stuff from all the experts, get to know a lot of friends who really passion in animation all around the world, their work just inspired me to keep forward!!!
really looking forward to 2012!!!
and my 1st job of being an animator!!
here is my acting practice when I in free time
here is my planning
Here is my thumbnails, just some acting choices
after final my acting choices, grab a camera and start shoot video reference
planning stage always important
I know some companies and students who always skipped this stage and jump into 3D
guess what~ the result will be really bad
50% planning and 50*% animate
so here is my blocking pass 1
just some story-telling key poses and some breakdown
in stepped mode without any transition
so here is it,
right now I'm still fixing this shot
hopefully can done in time
Happy Christmas and Happy new year to everyone,
have fun :)))
It's been a time I updated my blog
just really busy for my animation work!!!
2011 almost end, I'd make my big change in this year
from lead rendering switch my path to animator
is a tough decision, but I'll not regret what I'd been doing right now :)))
learn a lot of stuff from all the experts, get to know a lot of friends who really passion in animation all around the world, their work just inspired me to keep forward!!!
really looking forward to 2012!!!
and my 1st job of being an animator!!
here is my acting practice when I in free time
here is my planning
Here is my thumbnails, just some acting choices
after final my acting choices, grab a camera and start shoot video reference
planning stage always important
I know some companies and students who always skipped this stage and jump into 3D
guess what~ the result will be really bad
50% planning and 50*% animate
so here is my blocking pass 1
just some story-telling key poses and some breakdown
in stepped mode without any transition
so here is it,
right now I'm still fixing this shot
hopefully can done in time
Happy Christmas and Happy new year to everyone,
have fun :)))
Planning for Animation
my thumbnails for my animation
Disney 9 old men said before
use half of your time planning, half of your time animate
Planning is very important in Animation
some people just skip this stage, just open Maya or others 3D software start animate
in the end you will got a lot of PROBLEMSSSS
use half of your time planning, half of your time animate
what is this mean ?
if you got 1 week to finish your shot
use 3-4 days for planning
if you got 1 day to finish your shot
use 4-5 hour for planning
What is planning, planning can divide to 4 part
a lot of PIXAR or big studio animator like to use this way for planning, just some quick sketches for your golden story poses, no need be perfect drawing, but you can understanding all the communication poses
-Pencil test
Dreamwork Animator Jason Ryan workflow, he using flip book draw all story-telling keys and adjust timing, once your finalize your pose and timing, export it as jpg seq, import in Maya, this save you a lot of time, my favorite planning workflow
Video Reference
Shooting video reference is very important, some animator can't draw, so they just shoot video ref as a guideline , how to use video ref correctly ? normally my way is open your video in quick time, scroll timeline frame by frame, if the feet got contact with ground consider 1 story telling poses, find out all your key poses in video ref, sketches it and transfer all the poses in 3D
this is the sheet given my director or supervisor, normally they already plan all the timing in sheet, as a animator you just follow their timing in X-sheet, nowadays some studio still using x-sheet for planning
Is been a long time I din't write my new post
I was quite busy these day
Just quit my job as render artist
is time to pursue my dream
become a full time professional ANIMATOR !!!!
I'll start share some tips and tricks that I know
today I just read " Illusion of life "
which I bought last few month ago :p
got a very useful tips which everyone always get wrong
EXAGGERATION 1 of the 12 animation principles by Disney nine old men
when we think about exaggeration
we always try to distort character, put more squash and stretch
which is ok, but don't overdone
squash and sketch we must feel it rather than see it
my suggestion for stretch and squash, better keep in 2 frames in your animation
even just 2 frames, but audience still can feel it
exaggeration in the definition of nine old men is exaggerate attitude !!
sad make sadder
happy make happier
heavy make heavier
angry make angrier
in case of distort character , try exaggerated more character personality and attitude
make your character more appealing
this what I got today
strongly recommend you guys grab this book
Animation Collaborative
it gonna have a website, really looking forward to it!!!
it gonna have a website, really looking forward to it!!!
Animation tips
add dirt in your animation
BoBoiBoy's room
Hey guys
is very excited to inform you guy our series animation are going to be launch at March on local TV
this is 1 of the screen shot from BoBoiBoy
I handle the bg design, texture, lighting and rendering :)
feel free visit our website
BoBoiBoy Teaser HD
Hey guys
long time din't upgrade my blog
this is a teaser for BoBoiBoy
I do comp and effect part
will be busy till March
see ya
Poster lunch of caveman
Caveman walk cycle
Yeah, done rigging, thx Zhubir n Safwan helping me at rigging^^
this is test animation for my caveman
Pls view at HD
Prop and setting for FYP
An experiment for my tree and texture
1st experiment the result come out like this

my conclusion for this images is the leaf look weird, and look flat, overall feel I think is ok for this stage, sky will later edit in AE and do some composting
So another experiment
I use more leaf, different size and color and try to blend it
the result looks good

so this tree will be my final images
still will do some adjustment when in production
next~ texture rock and add more grass
P/S spend my whole nite for arranged the leaf ><, is time to get some rest ZZZZZZzzz
1st experiment the result come out like this

my conclusion for this images is the leaf look weird, and look flat, overall feel I think is ok for this stage, sky will later edit in AE and do some composting
So another experiment
I use more leaf, different size and color and try to blend it
the result looks good

so this tree will be my final images
still will do some adjustment when in production
next~ texture rock and add more grass
P/S spend my whole nite for arranged the leaf ><, is time to get some rest ZZZZZZzzz
FYP props modelling
Rendering test

Using Maya final gather doing some rendering test during my training at company
try to create realistic chair surface
the result is quite OK for me
used to using HDRI created realistic shine surface
but I found using blinn material and final gather can achieve same result but less rendering time
maybe next time can study more about final gather~
credit goes to
James john character profile
who am i?
u sure wanna know?
my name is john~ James john
look familiar?
ya~James bond is my father idol
so he gave me this name
i quite like this name actually
cos James bond is my idol too
so I decided join army team to protect my country just like he does
look very mighty rite
but i am the weakest in my team ><
this is my self photo whn I join army team

ocos I like smoke
smoke is my second life~
I dun like this pic
the gun is too small
u think that suit my body shape?
whn I ask for bigger gun they just run out of gun
do u believe it?
a big army camp only gt small gun?
wat the hell~#%&#$
who wan carry a "small"gun to face enemy??
wanna know me more?
just stay tune
c ya
u sure wanna know?
my name is john~ James john
look familiar?
ya~James bond is my father idol
so he gave me this name
i quite like this name actually
cos James bond is my idol too
so I decided join army team to protect my country just like he does
look very mighty rite
but i am the weakest in my team ><
this is my self photo whn I join army team

ocos I like smoke
smoke is my second life~
I dun like this pic
the gun is too small
u think that suit my body shape?
whn I ask for bigger gun they just run out of gun
do u believe it?
a big army camp only gt small gun?
wat the hell~#%&#$
who wan carry a "small"gun to face enemy??
wanna know me more?
just stay tune
c ya
Michael Jackson RIP
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